Nenana Canyon
Leaving Denali
Northbound FOX (Freight
Overnight Express)
Seward passenger train
Southbound passenger
train crossing Denali Park trestle
North to Cantwell
Million Dollar Curve
Piggyback freight
On the way to Denali NP
Black bear at tracks
Meeting of work and gravel
Company work train engines
in Bear Valley
South of Denali
Number 3008 at
Nenana Canyon
Six locomotives surrounded
by fall colors
Alaska Railroad crossing
Alaska State Fair
Crossing a fork
of the Matanuska River
Aurora 1994
Seward coal train
Mountains, fall foliage,
trains - it just doesn't get any better than this!
Turnagain Arm (1976-1978)
A-B-B-B-A at Girdwood
Oil tank train
Hot box
Ski Train 2002
Passenger train
from Healy Overpass
Grandview and the Aurora
Passenger train at
Riley Creek trestle
Empty tank cars at
Healy yard
Whittier Shuttle
exiting portal 3 into Bear Valley
Snow Face (late 1980s)
Aerial view of five
tunnels in less than one mile
Bicentennial locomotives at Garner Tunnel (1977)
North Pole's
50th anniversary dinner train
No's.2007 and 2008
heading to Fairbanks from North Pole
Passenger train
southbound from Fairbanks at Ester (1973)
Oil train is leaving
North Pole for Fairbanks at 25 below
Number 1500 leaving south
past the earthquake park area (1981)
ALCo number 1612 switching
passenger train at Anchorage (1977)
Number 2504 on the highlands
approaching the park (1980)
Number 1502 heading a
passenger train (1972)
Number 1078 pulling hoppers
through Portage (1971)
A-B-A set of the repainted
F-7's (1982)
Numbers 1506,
1503, and 1500 in work train service (1979)
Northbound passenger
departing Anchorage (1976)
Southbound freight
crossing the Riley Creek Trestle (1979)
Of coal and cruise
Numbers 1500 and
1503 arriving at the Anchorage depot (1984)
Numbers 1502
and 1530 northbound on Riley Creek trestle (1982)
dust is evident as no. 3015 crosses Riley Creek (1985)
1508 & 1507 lead a SB passenger train thru Denali Park (1982)
Eielson Coal train
in North Pole 48 below zero
A northbound tank
train kicks up snow at the Healy overpass
Number 1530 in Fairbanks
Number 3005
at Bird Creek
A passenger train
crossing the Eagle River (1979)
An early March morning
at Windy picking up the work train
FP7 1510 along
Turnagain Arm with a ten car passenger extra
Palmer Fair Special
A very Alaskan
photo...fireweed and a fireball.
A passenger train
pulled by one of the new SD70MACs at MP129
Fair Special ARR #1000 North 1957
1031 ALCO RSC-1 on four wheel trucks
switching #7 South 1957
Train #3 South is shown departing Anchorage
for Whittier 1957
A passenger train
crossing the Eagle River (2004)
Six GP49s crossing
the Knik overflow bridge
Passenger train at MP
49 in the old loop district (1949-1952)
Santa prefers an SD70MAC
over a sleigh
Second tank train off
the North Pole branch for 2005
Hurricane Turn approaching Hurricane
Three cruise
ships in Seward on the same day
A misty
morning in Portage
light image of the oil train at the refinery
unit in the lead of a passenger train (1976)
Bicentennial F7A #1512
pulls a passenger train (1977)
F7 Nos. 1522, 1503, 1516 (1977)
Passenger train in the beautiful Alaskan
wilderness (1971)
Denali as seen from 4002 North
Snowfall is above the door
at Sherman City Hall
No. 4321 South meets the 4002 North at
Passenger train halted due to snow slide
Chasing Number 3015 along Turnagain
Arm (1980)
Southbound passenger train approaches
Southbound tank train roars through Healy
Southbound train from Fairbanks,
4004+4005+oil cars at Honolulu
Numbers 4317 & 4016 lead
southbound oil train at Fairbanks
Numbers 4007 & 3012 lead
freight south from Fairbanks
Numbers 4318 & 4320 arrive
Fairbanks with “Denali Star”
Numbers 4324+4010+4015 on coal
train to Seward
Numbers 4324+4010+4015 on coal
train to Seward
Numbers 4324+4010+4015 on coal
train to Seward
Number 4322 north of Portage
on “Coastal Classic” to Anchorage
Numbers 4014 & 4002 on northbound
oil train at MP129
Numbers 4318 & 4320 pass
MP129 on “Denali Star” to Anchorage
Work train crossing Riley
SD70MAC No. 4014 pulls out
of the North Pole refinery
Passenger train extra #3015 at
Windy (1986)
R.J. McKay at end of the line
in Fairbanks (1986)
Ted Prudence getting ice water
at Garner (1986)
R.J. McKay running the train (1986)
Whittier shuttle leaving Portage
RDCs at end of track in Seward
View from engineer's mirror
of #3014 emerging from a tunnel (1986)
Whittier shuttle leaving
Portage (1986)
Passenger train inside a tunnel
Princess cars crossing the Alaskan
Number 2000 at Bird Creek
North Pole oil train
Views of the Alaskan winter
from an SD70MAC
Denali Star from 1,000 feet
Whittier tunnel with train
Hauling Rip Rap in Healy Canyon
No. 3005 and passenger train at
Denali Depot
No. 1500 at Denali Depot
No. 3014 delivering coal from Healy
P-31 along the Seward Highway
Numbers 1072 and 1078 with Whittier freight
ARR #1070 and "Aurora" #6
Four GP49s pulling a mixed train (1983)
Six F7s in the Anchorage Yard
Two beautiful photos from Frank Pantuso's
Isn't wintertime in Alaska awesome!
F7 no. 1510 pulling passenger train (1975)
Chasing the Aurora to Wasilla
Aurora on Hurricane Gulch Bridge (1975)
Number 1510 pulling a passenger train
Number 1606 pulling a freight train (1975)
Freight train on the Ferry bridge (1975)
A long freight train rounds the bend (1975)
Number 2502 heads up an oil train
Passenger train pulled by Number
1510 (1975)
Riding the Whittier shuttle (1975)
4th of July train above tunnel (1962)
Number 4317
pulls a passenger train along Turnagain Arm
Nenana Sunset
F units taking the sun (1976)
No 1500 at Ferry (1984)
No. 1508 in New York
A string of black and yellow
Pulling a freight train near
McKinley Park (1982)
Arctic Power
Night Light
No. 2809 and 3010 leading a passenger
train at Denali Park
Coal train in the Loop
4005 crosses Glacier Creek
GP-7 #1808 crosses a ghost forest
No. 1580 on the Adirondack RR
Whittier shuttle (1, 2)
"Just Married" (1986)
Seward end of track
Seward passenger train
Extra 1802 at Whittier tank farm
Extra 1802 (1982)
No. 2502 approaching Matanuska Junction
No. 1074 heads up a MoW consist
No. 2502 approaching Matanuska
Junction #2 (1982)
No. 3010 in Seattle
A beautiful day at Tunnel
No. 3003 North (1982)
No. 3014 south (1983)
No. 3014 south at MP 151 (1983)
No. 3014 south heading out of
Anchorage (1983)
No. 3012 at Hurricane
Southbound passenger train near Healy
passenger train south of Healy
Aurora Approaching Mt. McKinley National
No. 1801 in Fairbanks (1983)
Fall in Healy Canyon
No. 2501 northbound out of Whittier
Aurora, lead by the 1530
Denali Star crosses the Mears bridge
Nenana nights
The Glacier Discovery in Bear Valley
Loading gravel at Healy
A Princess in Nenana
Hurricane Turn at MP239
NB Denali Star at Riley Creek
Denali Star at Cantwell
Southbound passenger train at Bird
Hurricane Turn near Talkeetna
Hurricane Turn near Chase
Fall at Riley Creek bridge
Period Dress
No. 1530 at Honolulu
Coal train at Matanuska Junction
TAIX 7090 at Old Glenn Highway
No. 4327 south of McKinley Park
Anchorage skyline
Hurricane Turn at MP284.2
No. 701 at Matanuska
No. 3006 leading a gravel train
All black lash up on an all black
Cleaning out the freezer
Weekend northbound passenger train at
DEX approaching Healy
Nancy Lake
Riley Creek
Two train meet
Light at the end of the tunnel
Hurricane Turn at Hurricane Gulch
Coastal Classic
Northbound Whittier train
No. 3010 at Bird Point (1986)
Bear Valley then and now
Whittier freight
Trumpeter Swans watching passing train
GP7 #1803 on the point of a coal train
Freight train at Portage
GP40-2 #3015 loading the Whittier shuttle
at Portage
Tank Train at Garner (1985)
No. 2805 and friends (1985)
No. 3008 in Bear Valley
Aurora roaring through Montana
Reflection at MP 145
No. 1506 in fresh snow approaching Girdwood (1986)
Denali Star at Colorado
McKinley Explorer at Healy
Hurricane Turn crew
No. 3009 at Potter
Citizenry of Sherman, Alaska
Scenic Spenard
No. 2804 at Eklutna
Susitna River break up (1975)
Hurricane Gulch via drone
Chasing #3015
Quality Asphalt Paving
gravel train in Anchorage
Whittier freight returning to Anchorage
Hurricane Turn (2012)
Talkeetna Bridge from drone
Norwegian Cruise Lines crosses the Trail River
Nearly 9,000 feet of containers and mixed freight at Girdwood
Northbound freight glides across the Matanuska River
Northbound Winter Aurora
Sunset at Potter Marsh
Freight train at Portage
Train crossing Riley Creek
Snow fleet heading to Seward
Snowfall along Turnagain Arm
Night shot at Riley Creek Trestle
Maintenance of Way train along Turnagain Arm
Aerial view of Whittier Tunnel from Bear Valley
Night view of four SD70MACs at Cantwell
Empty hopper train at Ferry
Aurora at Healy
Night shot at Hurricane
Northbound coal at Nenana
Freight train through Nenana
Nordic Ski train at Curry
Sunset along Turnagain Arm
Northbound freight along Turnagain Arm
Northbound freight #125N departing Whittier
Aurora passenger train heads across the Sheep Creek
Winter's last gasp
Heading for the Hills
Southbound Aurora at Riley Creek
Fall colors at Riley Creek Trestle
Fall colors at Hurricane Gulch Bridge
ARR 1500, 2402 & 1503 lead the Aurora southbound over Hurricane
No. 1802 leading the Whittier Shuttle at west portal of the Portage
No. 3002 on the point of Alaska Fair train departing the Palmer depot
No. 3005 works a gravel train up the Palmer branch at Matanuska
Denali Star at Nenana Canyon
Fall freight
No. 1804 near North Pole
There's no place like Dome
Numbers 3009, 3015 and 2803 heading up a freight along Turnagain Arm
Nenana Canyon
No. 1500 brings NB Anchorage passenger into Fairbanks back (1980)
ARR 2006 heads south with the passenger train along the Susitna River
ARR 3004 leads a daytime southbound freight through Cantwell
ARR 2808 leads a morning northbound freight over the Mears Bridge
ARR 3012 is seen leading the southbound passenger train
Coastal Classic along Kenai Lake
Monster freight
Northbound OX at Mears Memorial Bridge
Southbound coal at Broad Pass
No. 1802 pulling the Whittier Shuttle at west portal of the Portage Tunnel
Whittier shuttle at Portage
ARR 2809 is seen leading a charter/cruise train
ARR 2401 leading the Aurora
Trail Lake
Healy in the 1980s
No. 3008 in Healy
Crown Point
Snow River
GP38-2 numbers 2004/2005 with a string of tank cars
Moose Pass
Motion blur at Moose Pass
Snow spreader
Spreader at night
Surfacing gang at Hunter Flat
No. 3013 heads up the southbound Denali Star
Whittier Shuttle
Hurricane Turn and Mount Foraker
Fall gravel train in Anchorage
Transitioning from fall to winter quickly
Passenger train at UAF overpass
Military loads on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson
Sullivan's Curve
Southbound Oil Express (OX) near Nenana
Numbers ARR 2803 and HLCX 3878 pulling a freight train at Fairbanks
No. 1551 to North Pole refinery along the old Richardson Highway
No.3010 on its way home after servicing
Nenana at minus 36
Tank train at Nenana canyon
TLC at the airport branch
Snow fleet at Healy
Boats at Nenana from north end of bridge
No. 1802 at Portage Tunnel
No. 1802 at Portage
Whittier shuttle
Aurora train with mixed freight
No. 3002 at Indian
Passenger train at Nenana River Canyon
ARR 4328 working north from MP 357 toward Healy
Glacier Discovery at Portage Tunnel
Passenger train at Portage
ARR 4328 leads the southbound McKinley Explorer
Freight train at Portage
SD70MAC #4328 at Talkeetna bridge
Southbound Glacier Discovery heading to Whittier
Southbound coal train traverses the canyon ledge above the Nenana River
SD70MAC at Matanuska Junction
F7A #1500 at Healy Canyon
No. 2401 at Hurricane
No. 3008 heads up a gravel train
Southbound McKinley Express at Montana Creek campground
Northbound Denali Star at Riley Creek and Denali National Park
Northbound Denali Star at Healy
Southbound AS&G gravel train
GP40 #3010 with 30 flat cars
Big Time Coal
ARR 3012 (& 3011) are seen arriving at the depot
Scenery around Mile Post 350.9
Goldstar coach 655
Spirit of Anchorage on a southbound gravel train
Glacier Discovery
Chasing the Coastal Classic
Standing Tall
Winter RDC 701 trip
Twin SD70MACs with a load of containers bound for Whittier
Riley Creek - Three Ways!
Frac sand
Chasing a southbound freight train from Fairbanks
Southbound Denali Star in the homestretch for Denali Park
First Glacier Discovery following COVID-19
Bill Hess and "Sancho" capture a northbound freight in Wasilla
Aurora at Riley Creek bridge
Trainspotting near Seward
Denali Star passing 557 restoration building
A pair of GP40s with CN's Aqua Train
Enough Lights?
120S at Bird Point
Fast food train
Freight train at Wasilla Lake
Southbound Denali Star at Nenana Canyon
Doing his best Art Chase Impersonation
110N at Placer Valley
Coastal Classic at Portage
Denali Star at Bison Gulch
Drone footage of freight train at Healy
Drone footage of frac sand train at Palmer Hay Flats
Freight at Cottonwood Creek
Alaska state flag and SD70MAC #4325
Fireweed at Matanuska
Northbound Denali Star at Trail Lakes Bridge
Glorious Girdwood
Turnagain Arm near MP 85
Classic black & yellow geep races south shoving on the rear of a short train
A train rolls through it
Wasilla’s Quality Sand and Gravel
Be careful out there!
I heard the whistle blow
Saturday layover
Broad Pass changeover
Cold December
Color of summer
Kenai Mountains
Northbound for Fairbanks
Remnants of Fall
The Steady Hand
Taking a break on Hurricane Gulch bridge
Approaching Bird Creek northbound along Turnagain Arm
North switch of Reeves
Chugach Explorer along Turnagain Arm
Northbound Blade Train
Found In The Archives
I blew the assignment
My assignment fell short
Summer freight
Alaska Dream Makers
Palmer Hay Flats
Palmer Hay Flats #2
Knik River train trestle
Palmer gravel train
Bucket list
Cook Inlet
Fireweed and summer
Fireweed and the Coastal Classic
Everyone is wearing a mask
Newly moved Wasilla depot
Plowing North at Broad Pass
Alaska Denali Star Summit
The boy who loved trains
Dog Wash Overpass
Freight train between Chulitna and Hurricane
Southbound freight with ARR 2802 on the point at Bird Point
ARR 702 southbound at Chulitna
A silty reflection
Dude, Where's My Car?
Say "Hi!" back
On top of Garner Tunnel
Aurora winter train
Termination dust
Afternoon hike along the Turnagain Arm was glorious!
Sancho and I Return to the Scene of the Crime
A Picnic With Old Friends
The coal turn crosses the frozen Tanana River in Nenana
A spooky passenger
Passenger train at Wasilla
No. 2809 leads an evening passenger train north
Summer greens
Freight train passes through snowy Nenana Canyon
Denali Star around mile 351 directly across from Dragonfly Creek falls
Southbound passenger train crossing Riley Creek trestle
Hurricane Turn 2013
Aurora winter train
No. 4326 at Healy
Waning gibbous moon
Seaway trailers in the loop district
Colorful trains
A near perfect reflection as the barge train rolls into Portage
Passenger train passing work train at Carlo
The Best Looking Face In Railroading
Dashing Thru The Snow
Punching Through The Snow
Golden Glow Of The Last Frontier
Winter in Alaska can be exhilarating
Working the barge in Whittier
Passenger train in the fall
Some Alaska Heritage
A Christmas present for Anchorage
Big Time Freight
The last chase
Snow fleet aerial
Seward bound passenger extra along Turnagain Arm in July 1984
Tidewater bound
There must be coffee
Layered ice
No. 1000 pulling a passenger train
No. 1551 pushing tankers into the North Pole Refinery
Twisting north
The great white north
Number 1 storming into Healy
Coming Round the Mountain
Aurora Winter Train #2
Aerial dome shot from helicopter
No. 1 at Healy in the late 1980's
The Alaskan Way To Go
High ball, the eyeball
Buddy Gray on snowfleet at Eklutna
Pure Alaska
Work train and the Chugach Mountains
Rare leader
Sunset Sentinels
Spit and polished
Amongst the Color
Triple Lakes Trail
Winter Wonderland
Encrusted in Snow
Chasing the Alaska Railroad Heritage Units
Denali watches over
AS&G train at the Palmer Branch
Saturday morning in Wasilla
Knik Crossing
Valentine's Day winter Aurora
Heritage units heading to Whittier
High Iron to Whittier
The Aurora Winter Passenger Train is hauling freight as well as passengers
Number 5 in Nenana Canyon (1978)
Coal train drops down Divide Hill
A couple of RDCs at the Fairbanks depot
Crossing the Knik River
On Frozen Ground
Was it the quake?
Crossing the North Fork of the Chulitna River, plowing as they go
The 3017 trailing GP 40-2 3005 at Healy
Mears Memorial Bridge
Hurricane Gulch in the fall
Fairbanks depot sunrise
Burger King burrito and freight
Southbound morning freight
Freight at Palmer Hay Flats
E9-A #2401 leading at Matanuska Junction
No. 1802 on the Whittier Shuttle
No. 2502 on the Palmer local
Picture Perfect
When It's Springtime In Alaska...
Time To Part Ways
Fairbanks In Winter
Whittier Bound
No. 2808 on the southbound freight
No. 3014 on the northbound passenger
Aurora crosses Riley Creek Trestle
Steam locomotive at the loop
Tundra truck delivering a 350 pound wood stove
A calm morning along Turnagain Arm as a cruise train heads for Whittier
Matanuska, 1972
Moose Pass, 1972
Train time for Number 6, 1972
F7A #1502 leading freight from Whittier
Seward freight train
Full moon at Lake Lucille
Southbound Aurora at Knik River Bridge
Curling South To Seward
Big scenery in Alaska
In Another Land, In Another Life...
Storm light Alaska style
Switching Suburban
Mixed Train 2009!
The Whittier Turn at Beluga at dusk
Whittier freight curves along Turnagain Arm
Alaska Railroad at the end of the rainbow
Crossing the Matanuska River
Crossing the Knik on a beautiful summer evening
Northbound AuRoRa at Mahay’s dock
Outbound Whittier freight
Inbound Whittier freight
Shuttle reborn
ACVB Charter At Girdwood
Freight to Fairbanks
Cruise train
The police car
The first Denali Star
The Saddest Train of All
GP40 #3010 loading passengers at Portage
Whittier Shuttle heading toward Whittier
Coastal Classic crosses TwentyMile River
The Coastal Classic departs Seward
Caboosed work train
Freight train meets work train in Palmer
Last night
The slippery slope
Newcomb Park
The One and Only
The Blues at Bird
Big Country
Gold and Blues
Twisting towards Oliver
ARR 1500, 1517 and 2402 on a southbound passenger train at Birchwood
Final sunbeams of the season
ARR 1802 and 1067 leading the Whittier Shuttle north for Anchorage
Distributed power on a consist of empty hoppers crossing Ship Creek
Reflecting On Three Decades
Railroading Under The Midnight Sun
Around the Loop
Flag at half mast
Northbound freight at the Dog Wash
Accidental Video
Southbound Mixed Over The Knik
Headed north to Anchorage a barge train near MP 72
Headed for Whittier
Living the dream!
New 186XX flat cars
Dawn's Early Light
Aurora at Sunshine Crossing
Paris on the Alaska Railroad
Bringing up the rear
The elusive 1092
Turnin' Round the Wye
Alaska Railroad Aurora Winter Train
And so it begins
Winter Wonderland
Riley Creek
Winter Wonderland
The snowfleet coming around the wye at Healy
RDC at Willow
Northbound passenger and northbound freight at Willow
Northbound freight in Palmer
Delivering the goods
125N along Turnagain Arm
Three different locomotive paint schemes cross TwentyMile bridge
Geeps on high
Northbound snow fleet
Lengthy Coastal Classic rolls through Brookman
Off to a spectacular start to the 2016 passenger season
Clearing the path
Winging On Top Of The World
Holiday Cheer In The Last Frontier
Land of the midnight sun
Freight train on the Eagle River Bridge
Work train south
The Last Coal Train
Everyone has a hobby
No. 3011 in Whittier
Daylight Freight Memories
Don't Look Close...
Left Turn
Mixed Train Weekly
Railroading At 30 Below!
Freight passing the old Wasilla depot
The Conductor
Whittier shuttle 1986
ARR 3020 leading a northbound work train
Almost midnight
Gleaner Combine
Frosty Matanuska Morning
As the snow flies...
A Dangerous Railroad
Nineteen Car Star
Work Train Trifecta
Coal turn is south out of Nenana along the Nenana River
Crossing the new bridge over Indian Creek as they head south
More summer goodness
Work train at Pioneer Peak
PTC test train
ARR 3004 (w/3001 & 3009) arrive in the siding northbound
Three SD70MACs near Portage
The Denali Star near Sheep Creek and Windy
Alaskan Glory
On Golden Pond
Special permit passenger train with freight
The Glacier Discovery
Sancho and 557
Bella Vista West Apartments
125N at Bird Flats
A Thousand More Feet to Go
Alaska Commuter Train
Back at Moose Pass
Big Train, Bigger Country
Hauling Hoppers
Just a Geep
North Fox
Northbound at Reeves
Perfectly Manicured
Seward Dockside
Something Different Down the Street
Sure Bruce
The Sign Says it All
Valentine's Delight
ARR 1802 leads a southbound Whittier Shuttle
Northbound Aurora
Northbound Aurora near Three Bears
Freight meets Maintenance of Way at Indian
Anchorage Aurora
Denali Star at the Old Glenn Highway
Crane at Portage Creek Bridge #1
Crossing the Matanuska
Whittier Shuttle southbound at Potter and Bird
Whittier Shuttle southbound at Potter and Bird (part 2)
Mourning the loss of Congressman Don Young
The Talkeetna Mountains stand tall as the south freight rolls by MP 145
Denali Star crossing Sheep Creek
Three GP40-2's climb the hill with the ballast train along Fireweed Road
Three SD70MACs head a freight train at near downtown Anchorage
A bit too close
A full house
Blue hour freight
Over the top over Potter Hill and an easy glide into Anchorage
120S To Whittier
120N Freight
Hello And Goodbye
Portage Reflection
North At 99
Usibelli Bound
The Backshop
By Land, By Sea, Or By Air
Saturday At The Shop
Waiting In Whittier
Foggy Morning
Warm Late Winter Light
Make The Train Small
Across The Great Divide
Wheeling To Whittier
Memories Lost...Memories Found
Saturday Night At The Shops
Railroading Under The Midnight Sun
Under The Rainbow
Steam Sunday - Coming Home
Solstice 120S
Beneath The Shadow Of Pioneer Peak
That Alaskan Summer
Alaskan Glory
Switching In The Snow At Ship Creek
Top Cover And Global Engagement
Bird Sunrise
Delivering the Goods
Desired Subject
Gorilla Rock
Hospital Train
Jack Creek
Leading the Charge
Southbound Coal at TwentyMile
Seward freight
Summer Sunrise
Winter Beauty
The three rear DP units reflect nicely in a pond near Girdwood
557 Restoration Company
Palmer Hay Flats
120S At Bird Point
Geep Reflections
One Of Each At Gorilla Rock
Scenic Ship Creek
Streetside Sandwich
A Simple PORTrait
Looking Back At The Back
Out Behind The Shops
Snaking South
ARR 4324 at Talkeetna
ARR 4327 south of Healy
80 Miles To Go...
Bird Point from the dark side
Coastal Classic in route to Seward
Crossing Trail Lake on a nice Winter afternoon
An extra work train rolls through the rock cut at Windy
Headed for Seward on a glorious summer day
Highway and the tracks all share space
Partial rainbow greet the northbound freight
Spring run off is in full force
Summer passenger season has arrived
Bear cars
Northbound night freight
Southbound Denali Star
Gravel Season Is Here
Coal At TwentyMile
Alaskan Relics
Working The Slip
Lengthy freight along Turnagain Arm
The many faces of Hurricane Gulch
First Coastal Classic of 2022
Pure Alaskana
120S At Bird Point
Old School ARR
Empty gravel train at Engine 557 Restoration Company
Three GP40s head up a freight train at Indian
557 volunteers
Ten times before success
The Rarest Local
Snow Fleet Southbound
Denali Star nears the Old Glenn Highway overpass
ARR 3002 leading a Whittier bound freight
4319 is leading the Denali Star out of Denali Park
3012 northbound at Chulitna and southbound oil train with Denali
ARR 3019 and ARR 3020 lead a southbound Whittier train
No. 3014 leads the MEX (McKinley Express)
No. 3011 pulling the Glacier Discovery at Portage Tunnel
Alaskan Railroaders Of The Finest Kind
Short But Spectacular
The Last Loads
Up On The Ledge
Caboose 1092 at Moose Pass
Summer Solstice at Healy Canyon
Pulling around the south leg of the wye at Portage
Work train rolls through Summit
Fall in Alaska
Procession of military vehicles
Empty DEX returning to Anchorage
A smattering of Tyler Bell photos
Bird's Eye View
No. 3005 at Anchorage
Aurora winter train at East Glenwood Crossing
The Last Ride South
Budds on the Bridge
Alaska Railroad's Holiday Day
Bicentennial locomotives in front of the Anchorage depot
Pristine Potter
Over the Placer River
Reflections of Summers Past
Winter Aurora at Lake Lucille
White as snow
More winter goodness
In The Shadow Of Site Summit
Bill Sheffield Depot
Winging Out Hurricane
Roadless Railfanning
Mixed Train Weekly
Seward freight
Chena Flood Plains
Dashing through the snow in a 4300HP sleigh
The DMU Arrives
Blue Ice And Golden Leaves
Popping Out Of Tunnel 5
A string of tank cars in Anchorage
#557 and the Aurora
Seward freight train with frac sand
Northbound Blade Train
Fall color in Nenana Canyon
Trail Lake Transportation
Muddy Matanuska
Turning North
Train #1 at Nenana
1980's fair train
Ira Silverman's trip from Fairbanks to Anchorage
Curry quarry equipment train
The Whittier Shuttle arrives at Portage
The Southbound Aurora arrives at Denali Park
Chena Flood Plains
Slide Zone 415
MP G24
Southbound Seward freight train at Bird Point
Work train at Bird Point
Crossing the Susitna River at Gold Creek
Southbound Denali Star exits Healy Canyon
Denali Star at MP356
No. 2004 heads up a train entering the Eielson Branch
Ten locomotives along Turnagain Arm
ARR 4328 southbound with the Denali Star
ARR 4009 with freight in Wasilla
Chasing a freight from Wasilla to Anchorage
No. 4328 in Wasilla with the Denali Star
Freight train near Clapp Road Crossing
Beautiful Alaska - passenger and freight train
One car cruise train plus southbound Denali Express
A busy day on the railroad
March 1985
Bartlett Glacier
Alaska Gold Rush
A silhouetted #3003
passes in front of an illuminated Anchorage skyline
Milepost G24
Into The Wild Gold Yonder
A Gloomy Day
Fairbanks yard job at Graffiti Rock
Centennial unit at Honolulu
Fairbanks Yard Job heads North into the small community of Moose Creek
Portage Valley
A study of people who wave at and from passing trains
Flying High
RDC2 712, GP40-2 3001 & GP38-2 2005 at Whittier
Denali Star in summer 2009
Holiday train 2016
Holiday train 2017
CP F120 and the Coastal
120S Emerging from Portage Tunnel
That Sweet Light
Winter Wonderland in Alaska
Turning the snow fleet on the wye at Healy
Denali Star exits Healy Canyon
Coal and Geometry car
Autumn in the Last Frontier
Alaskan Splendor
The Battle For Winter
Spreader 9 blasting towards MP345
Denali via Montana
Summer gravel business
The contours of Turnagain Arm
Minus 36
Broad Pass
Northbound freight just before arriving at Denali Park
This Ain't Right!
Fairbanks Yard Job plowing railroad with 30 cars of black diamonds in two
120N At Potter Marsh
Digging Out
Southbound coal at Brookman
Overnight freight
Tie drop on the Eielson Branch
GP40 #3011 with newly painted trucks in Whittier
The last Canadian National barge
Export Coal
Massive pipe train
SD70MAC #4008 with hoppers at Matanuska
Glacier Discovery Train - Turnagain Arm
The Coastal Classic rolls through Brookman
The Coastal Classic at Moose Pass
Freight train at North Pole
Freight train at Bear Valley heading to Whittier
Drone view of the northbound Denali Star
in Wasilla
Sunroof ride on the Whittier Shuttle
Summer solstice 2024
Baptism ceremony
No. 1072 in Curry in 1953
A work train at Hurricane, 2008
GP40-2 3014 ready to depart Fairbanks
110S heads South over the Upper Trail Lake Bridge located at MP 29.5
No. 4328 on Turnagain Arm
Freight train at Indian
Now THAT Is Cold!
Healy bound coal train at Ferry Bridge
Northbound freight crosses the bridge between Upper and Lower Trail Lakes
Denali Star at the Garner Tunnel bypass
Hopper car infinity
Denali Express in Whittier
Palmer Branch Passenger
GP38-2’s 2007 & 2006 followed by track geometry car & 17 empty coal hoppers
Three yard motors as power for the Whittier-Anchorage freight
No. 4010 in Cantwell
Circle K and UP in Alaska
110N at 20 Mile Slough
Centennial unit brings the Denali Star northbound at Talkeetna
Frank Keller's first fall in Alaska
Wasilla Train Station Enhancement Progress Report
Short summer freight
Short summer freight at Snow River Bridge
The last photos in the series of the short summer freight
Anchorage sunset
Glacier Discovery at Bird Creek
Work train heading North through Wasilla
Fire suppression tank cars on the move
ARR 3003 rounds the sweeping curve at Brookman
Little Susitna River at Houston
Exiting the canyon
Northbound barge train
PTC Test train
No. 3015 heading up a
southbound train heading to Seward
Whittier shuttle, circa early 1980s
Whittier freight rumbling into Anchorage
Engineer's view of Birchwood in 1956
Extra 1506 North leaves Portage, 4/14/1957
Extra 1510 South 1957
Train 3 and RDC (2004)
RF1A #1074 near Anchorage, 9/2/1956
GP40 #3010 and Train 1 (2004)
GP40 #3011 along Turnagain Arm (2004)
Black Hawk Down
Snow Face
MP-G10.05 on the ARRC’s Eielson Branch
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