Southbound Mixed Over The Knik

Northbound Snow Fleet

On the third week of December 2017 the ARRC dispatched a pair of geeps with Spreader 9 to work north winging out sidings over the course of several days. Frank Keller and I got an early start out of Anchorage and headed north on the desolate Parks Highway to meet up with the train just south of Broad Pass. We'd spend the entire day shooting the train working in subzero temps along only a dozen mile stretch of railroad. Although, in fairness on the day after winter solstice a 'full day' only amounts to just over 4 1/2 hours between sunrise and sunset here at about 63 degrees north latitude!

The 'fleet' is seen here blasting north in a swirl of powder south of Broad Pass siding somewhere around MP 302. In just another 10 miles or so at aptly named Summit they will crest the highest point on the entire Alaska Railroad at the Northern Continental Divide (the watershed between the Arctic and Pacific Oceans). Considering that this wide valley (hence the name) is where the railroad crosses the Alaska Range, home of 20,310 foot Denali only 60 miles distant, it is utterly remarkable that the crest is only 2363 feet above sea level!

Near Broad Pass, Alaska
Friday December 22, 2017

Photo courtesy of Dave Blazejewski