Storm Light Alaska Style

Storm Light Alaska Style!

This is the kind of light dreams are made of! Thick gray clouds hang low over the Chugach Mountains and Turnagain Arm but as the sun lowers it clears exactly what is needed to highlight the train in as dramatic a fashion as I've ever seen

And in and added bonus ARR 2007 leads the train (originally built September 1969 as PC 7780). It's rare to catch a GP38-2 on the main, as the classic little 2000 HP units are generally reserved for yard duty. And since they are the only class of loco still wearing the 1980s "Alaska Bold" scheme it is an extra special treat, particularly in the short window of golden fall color!

Northbound 120N from Whittier to Anchorage approaches the Seward Highway overpass seen here near MP 80.8 on the Kenai Subdivision just south of Bird Point.

South of Anchorage, Alaska
Friday September 16, 2016

Photo courtesy of Dave Blazejewski