Pat Durand's Commissioned Passenger Train

Just completed a typical 2005 passenger train consist on commission. Size limitations kept it down to five cars and a locomotive. This was designed for public consumption not the rivet counter so I expect there will be some folks short circuiting over the fact there is no HEP power on the train. However you will find there actually is a way for passengers to board the train as there is a real drop stair well installed in the coach much to the delight of the Conductor.

On the platform we caught Edith trying to frame up the family and the Conductor for that special Alaska Railroad photo in the early morning sun.

At the other end of the platform a MAC 70 is caught up in the fervor of the fall rutting season by a trophy bull.

This was a fun project facilitated by the availability of the Kato MAC and the ARR passenger car set from Walthers.

[For the story of the presentation of this commissioned work to the Congressman's delegate, see the first paragraph of day 6 of my Alaska Railroad 2005 trip journal.]

Passenger train


