Welcome to John's Alaska Railroad Web Page!
I fell in love with the Alaska Railroad (ARR) after my wife and I rode it in the summer of 1986. We rode from the Anchorage station to Denali National Park where we backpacked and camped for several days. We returned to Anchorage with a long stop due to Federal Hours of Service Law. The crew had worked its 12 hour shift and a new crew had to be sent in. Not long after returning to my home in Ohio, I began modeling a 12' x 16' ARR HO layout in my basement. In 2018 I began working on a 16 'x 26' layout in a room over the garage.
This is an unofficial Alaska Railroad web site. For the official site click here or to make passenger reservations click here.
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Getting Closer to First Firing – 2/1/2025

The crew will soon check off another major task on the punch list to prepare 557’s boiler for its first firing. Jeff DeBroeck, Jeff Loffert, and Jerry Cunnington spent a productive Saturday installing the first 12 of the locomotive’s 30 rebuilt superheater elements.

You can play a part in returning 557 to operation with a contribution by credit or debit card or Paypal. You are also invited to pay a visit to the 557 Engine House, take a tour, and leave a generous contribution.

Cherrywood Lane Train offers fun lodging - 3/13/25

Kick back and relax in this calm and cozy space that happens to be a train! Surrounded by trees and mountain views, you’re bound to feel relaxed and enjoy the beauty of Alaska. These train cabins are fully furnished with all the amenities you need to make you feel like home.

Two ex-BNSF SD70MACs arrive in Alaska - 3/7/25

The ARR purchased two BNSF SD70MACs and they arrived in Whittier on March 6 and then made their way to Anchorage on March 7. More information to follow.

Winter Aurora

Alaska weather:
satellite image

Alaska webcams:
- Lake Hood

- Potter Marsh

- Anchorage (4th & D Streets)

- Sheep Creek Bridge

- 3rd Avenue North
- Fairbanks
- Seward Harbor
- Whittier marina

- Whittier nest cam

- Whittier from Begich Towers

- ARR Depot (Denali N.P.)

- Brooks Falls brown bear cams

- ARR Gift Shop, Facebook
- Alaska Railroad Flickr Group
- ARRrailfans Group
- Alaska's Digital Archive
- ARR Railfans on FB
- 557 Restoration Co. on FB

This web site is dedicated in memory of Jeff Childs (1959-2000), railfan, friend & mentor. Jeff was my inspiration & driving force during the creation of this web site. Jeff's love for the Alaska Railroad was very contagious & will be greatly missed.
And in Memory of... .

The Alaska Railroad Logo is copyrighted and used with permission from the Alaska Railroad Corporation. All photos and graphics on this web site are protected intellectual property. This is not a photo sharing or information sharing website. Any and all images and info contained in this website belongs to the creator and copyright holder. Discrepancies should be reported to the webmaster immediately for correction or removal. All forms of reproduction, electronic or otherwise are prohibited.

the end