EMD E9    
by Mike Gerenday

The EMD E9 locomotive was built between 1954 and 1964 and was the last of the cowled locomotives built by that firm. The E9 was basically an upgraded E8, but with no real visual differences and was powered by two 12cyl 567C engines producing a total of 2,400hp. Most of the E9s that would be rebuilt would have one larger engine installed to replace the two original engines.

In 1981, the ARR purchased two E9A locomotives and were numbered 2401 and 2402. Known as the "Titanic Twins" both units were rebuilt by the ARR with 645 engines. (The HEP E8Bs do not count since they were rebuilt with boilers/generators and had no tractive power) They proved to be hard on the then tighter curves on the system and didn't last too long, they were a good idea that didn't work out as hoped. They were used on the AuRoRa at first leading, then over time became trailing units used with F and GP units. (Walthers, are you listening??!)

In 1987, the 2400s were retired and sold and made a trip south with the retired/sold F units. Both the 2401 and 2402 made it to the Wisconsin Southern. Both units survive today and from what I know they are still in Wisconsin and are not part of the Wisconsin Southern, as I find out more I will share the current status of these locomotives.

Here is a link to learn more on the E9 locomotive.



Page created 11/30/20 and last updated 11/30/20