Comments: This is pretty cool! can't wait to see the locomotive up and running again!
Added: February 1, 2018
Submitted by Name: Travis Tarter From: Wolcott Indiana E-mail: Contact
Comments: Can't wait to see it in person back on the rails
Added: December 5, 2017
Submitted by Name: bruce jaffa From: The railroad town of Moose Pass E-mail: Contact
Comments: Pat,
Great to read of your progress. I retired from full time work 8-31. Let me know when you are ready to stab tubes.
Added: November 13, 2017
Submitted by Name: nathaniel berkowitz From: sausalito california E-mail: Contact
Comments: great project and keep on rolling!
Added: November 4, 2017
Submitted by Name: Samuel Dickenson From: Port Huron, MI E-mail: Contact
Comments: Just wanted to let you folks know that I'm happy you're working on this project. I'm really looking forward to being able to see this locomotive return to service. Keep up the good work.
Added: October 5, 2017
Submitted by Name: Patrick Durand From: Engine 557 Restoration Co. Wasilla, Alaska E-mail: Contact
Comments: John, Thanks for the update to the 557 Info page. Your continued commitment to serve on the 557 board of directors and host our web content is most appreciated by all the volunteers on the job.
Very best personal regards,
Patrick Durand
Added: September 8, 2017
Submitted by Name: Richard H. Russell From: Palmer, AK E-mail: Contact
Comments: The really sad thing is how many of these beautiful machines have been turned into scrap. Can't wait to see 557 once again under a full head of steam.
Added: June 22, 2017
Submitted by Name: Forrest R Prince From: Reno, NV E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have the privilege of now being an owner of a commemorative 557 hat and pins, thanks to John Combs and this fantastic website.
I will wear them proudly, always.
Added: May 13, 2017
Submitted by Name: Ann carter From: Eagle River, Alaska E-mail: Contact
Comments: Awesome trains.
Added: April 23, 2017
Submitted by Name: Eric Nitzsche From: Clovis, California E-mail: Contact
Comments: Was in Wasilla a couple of years ago visiting my daughter and learned about the re-build. Stopped by the warehouse but yall weren't around. Did buy a couple of 557 pins while on the train. Look foreward to seeing your progress next time I get up that way. Eric
Name: Jonah
This is pretty cool! can't wait to see the locomotive up and running again!