Fire Sweeps Healy Yards Of the A.R.R.
Roundhouse and Other Buildings and Property Are Lost

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Saturday, August 31st, 1940.

Fire which swept the Alaska Railroad yards at Healy last night razed the roundhouse, machine shop, several loaded freight cars and destroyed a locomotive and snowplow at a total-estimated less of more than $32.000.

Colonel Otto F. Olson, general manager of the railroad, in a dispatch out of Anchorage, set the estimated loss at $20.000 for the roundhouse, and $12,000 for the snowplow. He said the switch engine had value only as scrap. Other items lost were given only nominal values because they were obsolete.

Ohlson said the fire apparently started between the ceiling and smoke jacket for the roundhouse. Origin of the flames was not definitely determined.

First word of the fire reached Fairbanks this morning from arrivals on the Brill car from Seward. who reported viewing the charred wreckage when the car passed Healy at 2:30 am.

Porter Berryhill, chief engineer of the railroad, Bill Green, Healy agent, and the yard crew were believed present during the fire.

Colonel Ohlson indicated a new roundhouse will be built as soon as possible.