Wendlandt's 188xx Series Flat Car

The 188xx series flat cars started out as Atlas Trainman CITX 85ft flats. I found out after I started the cars were actually exCITX cars. The only decals I had to remove were the CITX reporting marks and road numbers. I left all the other decals alone. For removing the decals I soaked them in Walthers Solvaset and gently rubbed them them off. Where the old reporting marks were I used Tru-Color Alaska yellow to do a patch. I then weathered the car per prototype pictures. The cars were then sealed with Dulcote. The sills were then painted gloss for the new decals to blend better. The new reporting marks, numbers and saftey stripes were put on. I used Microscale 90102 railroad gothic black and Microscale MC-4389 yellow reflector stripes. They were then sealed with Dulcote. Kadee #58 coulplers were installed and the trip pins removed. Hi-Tech Details 6037 air hoses were also added.

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