John's Hall of Fame
Creating these Alaska Railroad pages has taken me a great deal of time and effort. However, if it weren't for the help of dozens of individuals, this site would merely be the hair on a pimple on the butt of a flea on a big dog. To this end, I have chosen to recognize those individuals who have made a major contribution to this site. These individuals have provided me with incredible amounts of photographs, modeling information, historic data and/or news items. They indeed are the wind in my sails.  That is why I call this web site www.alaskarails.ORG.  It is actually an organization of people who have come together to share the Alaska Railroad with you.
Albert Bailey Robert Garner Steve Noland
Nelson Bailey Mike Gerenday Carolyn and Michael Nore
Jim Blasingame Dale Greth Don Prince
Dave Blazejewski John Henderson Tony Roof
Art Chase Axel Hessler Curt Rudd
Jeff Childs Rich Holzapfel Bryan Saul
Josh Coran Frank Keller
Jeff Debroeck Jack Klingbeil David Smith
Frank Dewey Robert Krol Jim Somerville
Steve Drassler Rick Leggett Sherman Stebbins
Casey Durand Matt Leistico Stewart Sterling
Pat Durand Don Marenzi Eric Swedberg
Shane Durand Matt McCullor John Taubeneck
Mark Earnest Michael McGowen Andy Tejral
Harold Emerick Blake Moore Dave Tempest
Jonathan Fischer Jody Moore Randy Thompson
Curt Fortenberry Deane Motis Rusty Wendlandt
    Richard Wise


Page created 1/1/97 and last updated 1/1/24