On Monday David continued painting and completed the sky portion on both sides of the inner scenery backdrop. As an added bonus we had fun swapping life philosophies, music interests and literature. | This photo shows David has finished sky and clouds on the outside of the inner scenery backdrop and the sky on the inside of the backdrop. | Now David begins work on the clouds of the inside of the backdrop. He expressed interest on beginning early next Monday so he can "power through" and finish all the clouds. |
The Clayton Alaska Railroad suffers from sun kinks (rail expansion) just like our prototype up north. This caused kinks at the rail joiners at three curved locations. First, Rick uses a putty knife to loosen the paint cementing the ties to the cork road bed. Next, he removes the solder at the joints and pulls the track nails. Finally, he straightens the rails, drives new track nails and re-solders the joints. | Shown here the the third and final fix. We will continue to monitor the rails and if kinks reappear then expansion joints will be added. | John continues to work on the second mountain. He added another layer of foam board at the western mountain support base. |
Eighteen years ago Pat and Casey Durand made an "Alaska Tree Making Kit for Dummies" for me. The contents inside the box was padded and survived years of relocation. I reread his instructions (1, 2) and plan on igniting a tree production process. | These trees are made from strands of Bumpy Chenille purchased from local craft stores. A friend of mine has volunteered to work on trees like these in his home. | Our three axle baggage car refuses to remain on the railway curves. Rick has tried just about everything to beat these rascal's antics without success. Finally, I purchased two axle trucks. Ricks installs them and the test runs show no derailments. |
Ted stopped by on Friday to work on the backdrop framing. By my request he added an additional framing section at the "Smooth as Glass" curve. He still needs to add a piece perpendicular to the bottom of this one to finish the framing. | He also added an end framing section at the western end of the backdrop. I am so thrilled with the entire exterior wall framing project. Indeed it was along time coming! |
Feel free to contact me at john@alaskarails.org
Page created 9/4/17 and last updated 3/4/21