Alaskan F

Alaskan F

After living in Alaska for over four years I finally made a trip to the local 'railroad' museum in the summer of 2011. They have a fascinating collection of Alaska rolling stock, and it is definitely worth a look if you're in the area. Here is their pride and joy, the Alaska Railroad's first EMD F7A. The 1500 was built new for the ARR in 1952 and served her entire career in the Last Frontier before being retired and donated to the museum in 1985. Seen poking her nose out behind the 1500 is ARR 1000, an Alco RS1 built new for the ARR in 1944 and retired in 1973. She is important as the very first diesel locomotive purchased by the ARR. For much more great information and photos of these units in active service peruse the roster page at John Combs fabulous site.

Wasilla, Alaska
Saturday July 16, 2011

Photo courtesy of Dave Blazejewski