Photo courtesy of John Combs

SD70MAC No. 4322 in the Fairbanks yard. 8/25/05

The eight SD70MACs that were purchased in 2004 by the railroad came with more sophisticated electronics than their predecessors. There has been some growing pains in getting the older MACs to communicate with the new ones. Currently, it is somewhat uncommon to see 4000 and 4300 series locomotives mixed in the same train. For more information, see my ARR SD70MAC page.



Photo courtesy of Deane Motis

SD70MAC No. 4322 in Seattle, WA. 05/20/04



Photo courtesy of Steven Ogden

March 2, 2019: I was downtown for the Fur Rondy and found this train, with the Aurora car, waiting at the depot.



Photo courtesy of Terry Combs

SD70MAC #4322 pulling the cruise ship train into Anchorage. 6/24/23