
Here is a nostalgic photo from my work collection, Spring 1976. Curry was a welcomed stop for the crews on the way north to Healy. A delicious, family-style meal was waiting for us, cooked up by Leon/Eric and Alice. The crew would order a breakfast or dinner meal upon departing from Anchorage via the yardmaster who would get the message forwarded to the folks at Curry. Upon arrival at the south end of Curry, the train's engineer would radio ahead to the Curry base station to "put the coffee pot on, the north freight's at the yard board." After a respite of about 30 or 40 minutes the train crew would depart for Healy, another 110 miles north. I remember walking from the locos to the building and checking the thermometer nailed to a tree near the front door seeing it read -35 or -40 degrees sometimes.

Curry had small rooms upstairs where we, snow fleet crew, engine watchman, work train crew, would tie-up for several days or whatever the assignment called for. It was quite an experience. There was a steep Wye there for turning equipment. At one time Curry had a big hotel for overnight passenger train layover. 

- Steve Drassler

Photo courtesy of Steve Drassler