The Other Davis

The Other Davis

This is Engineer Jerry Davis looking calm and cool as the world is but a blur outside the window of his big blue and gold SD70MAC 4317.  He is in command of the northbound flagship Denali Star with a train load of a thousand tourists rolling through the Alaskan Wilderness somewhere south of Oliver near the edge of Denali National Park.  

I titled this the way I did because that's how I remembered him.  We had a family of four other Davises that were all related,  Lenn, Lee, Lane and Nancy but Jerry wasn't part of that clan despite the same surname.  It took me a bit to get everybody straight when I first came up there, but eventually it all came together. Family or no, the one thing they all had in common was competent railroading and dedication to their respective craft.  

I don't have as many personal recollections of Jerry, he got the job done without fanfare staying out of trouble and out of the limelight. What more could I have asked for?

Somewhere in Alaska
Tuesday July 6, 2010

Photograph courtesy of the David Blazejewski