Christ at San Fils

By Edward Raab

(Written on the first day of working with the dying at San Fils, the Destitute and Dying home run by the Missionaries of Charity in Port-au-Prince, Haiti)

I looked into the face of a black Christ this morning
His eyes lowered in the awareness of his coming death

His breathing shallow
His bed his crucifix

I assume the responsibility of his crucifixion
by my denial of the plight of these dear people

His stigmata the AIDS that wrack his body
I kneel at the foot of his cross and ask for forgiveness

Too late for the relief of pain
I give what little I have

I anoint him with oil and caress his feet
His skin parched like the lips of Christ

I feel the heat of his body as
I move my hands over him.

I feel his bones,
I search for answers

Does he know I am here?
It matters not

I sit and hold his hand
His presence his gift to me

I rise to leave
I squeeze his hand

Did I feel a pull?
It matters not

Dead Man Living

By Ed Raab

(Written on the second day)

The flies gather
No life to brush them away

Urine soiled swaddling clothes overwhelms me
Lips parched, eyes closed, I search for breathing

His mother arrives
She lowers herself onto the head of his bed

She sits upright and moves his head onto her lap
She looks for life

Pouring milk between his lips
It forms a river down his neck

Her tears anoint his face
His lip quivers

"Dead man living", says sister.

And On the Third Day

By Edward Raab

(Written on the third day)

A battered hearse greets us at San Fils
I glimpse a shrouded body inside

Is it him?
Did he wait for me?

I don my gloves, protection for my body
My heart protected by years of non-awareness

I'm told we are connected, he & I
How do I know?

I approach the ward
Thirty men in one room united by death

I see his mother by his bed
He has suffered too long

She invites me to approach the bed
She smiles and grabs my hand

She points above,
"Jesus", she says

Tears stream down her face
I look down at him

Eyes alert, breathing stronger
I share her joy

We are connected!

Last updated April 23, 1998